Meeting with the Divine Messengers
March with the Divine Messengers: new Messages in live events
In March, the Divine Messengers will be with Their children, disciples and followers for the prayer and devotional music meetings in preparation for Sacred Week 2025.
We will be graced with the monthly Messages of Christ Jesus, the weekly Messages of the Virgin Mary* and the last Annual Apparition of Saint Joseph.
*The weekly Messages of the Virgin Mary, delivered on Saturdays, are being published directly on the Divine Messengers website. Access here.
New instructions: find out when and where
Below, see the days and times of the events that will feature new Messages from the Sacred Hearts.
Christ Jesus will transmit His Messages, through the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, for the following occasions:
- March 5th and 6th, at 7:00 p.m. - 135th Marathon of Divine Mercy (three recorded Messages).
- March 21st, at 7:00 p.m. - The Sacred Call - A Meeting with Christ Jesus, in the F2 Auditorium of the Marian Center of Figueira (Message transmitted live, only in audio).
Our beloved Instructor Saint Joseph will make His Annual Apparition to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús, in which He will transmit His last public Message.
- March 19th, at 11 am - Annual Apparition of Saint Joseph, in the F2 Auditorium of the Marian Center of Figueira (Message transmitted live, only in audio).
Participate from wherever you are
The Annual Apparition of Saint Joseph and the Sacred Call program will be open to the public. All other events will be online.
With the exception of March 25th, which will be a retransmission, all programs will be broadcast live on the internet (see the schedule below for more information).