Meeting with the Divine Messengers
February: new impulses towards the Heart of the Master
“Could it be that you, through My Love, will be able to shine like stars on the Earth and decide to live the virtues that God granted you from the origin?” Christ Jesus, January 6, 2025
After our hearts have been purified and renewed through the great spiritual indulgence granted by the Divine Messengers in January, we are called to continue taking determined steps, in silence and gratitude, on the path of the Heart of Christ.
The Master of Love stated:
This path of the heart must show itself to each one; you must seek it incessantly through your good works and prayers. Because the path of the heart is the path of those who humble themselves before Christ, of those who no longer want anything for themselves, but rather the common good of humanity. Christ Jesus, January 4, 2025
4 new Messages from Christ Jesus in Online events
In February, Our Lord will grace humanity with four new Messages, with the purpose of continuing to encourage us to follow the path of His Heart:
- Three Messages for the 134th Marathon of Divine Mercy (February 5 and 6).
- A Message for the program The Sacred Call (February 16).
The Virgin Mary will continue to transmit Her weekly Messages in a private manner (on Saturdays), while Saint Joseph will return for His Annual Apparition next month.
The prayer and devotional music meetings of the Divine Messengers will be broadcast live on the internet (see the schedule below for more information).