"To create a perfect unity between souls and the Universe."
Christic Principles
Misericordia María TV
Our story
Misericordia Maria TV was created based on a request that the Virgin Mary made in one of Her public Apparitions to the visionary monks of the Grace Mercy Order, on June 25, 2013, in Maldonado, Uruguay.
The inaugural transmission of the channel was at the “2nd Marathon of Divine Mercy”,on September 18 & 19, 2013, at the Marian Center of Figueira, in Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The first program broadcasted was "Your Day of Mercy," which accompanied devotees and pilgrims who gather together to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy during these prayer events.
Currently, programs produced and broadcasted by Misericordia Maria TV are watched in over 60 countries.

Our mission
Misericordia Maria TV is a Christian television channel with the goal of bringing everyone, anywhere on the planet, the instructions that Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and the Most Chaste Saint Joseph have been transmitting to humanity through the visionary monks of the Grace Mercy Order.
The main purpose of the channel is to work for world peace and to serve the Plan of God by promoting and sharing spiritual and philosophical teachings of a universal evolutionary character. Among the practices that its diversified programming seeks to encourage are prayer, charity, and a selfless service to humanity and the other Kingdoms of Nature.

Our Christic Principles
“This project, that is not an Earthly Project, but a spiritual project intends to reach the heart of the homes in a fraternal, organized and peaceful way because the goal of Misericordia María will be to open the doors for all of the souls so that they may listen to My message and to the message of My Son Jesus".
Virgin Mary on June 13, 2013
To learn more about the Christic Principles click here.